My Christmas Tree

Time for the Christmas Tree! And how about spending less money as possible for decorations that you use only few weeks every year?

Here here what you need:
1. A Tree (of course), I prefer fake trees, I can’t stand the idea to cut a perfectly healty and beautiful tree to watch it slowly die in my living room.
2. Red and Gold ribbons
3. Lemons and Oranges
4. Wires
5. Pinecones

Cut the colored ribbons so that you can knot them around the branches of your tree
Then a little project I saw on, cut your lemons and oranges in slices and stick them in the oven (250F for 2 hours)
After they are perfectly dry hang them with the silver wire.
I really love them, they smell nice and look amazing.
Then I added the pinecones (that you can find everywhere on the street, but if you are lazy
or you’re not living close to pines, you can buy them at Target, Lowe’s….),
some spare earrings and silver balls from last year.
(you can actually see me taking the picture reflected on a ball…)
and now…light it up, here my freakychristmastree!