Posts Tagged ‘paint’
  • Paint: second accent wall plus my Art work

    Finals are over and I have some prints to hang in my house. The dining room wall is perfect, but it needs a little upgrade Daniele painted the wall the same grey that we used on the other side of the room to define the dining room space and here is the result with my […]

  • Paint: master bedroom remodeling (part #1)

    We finally decided to toggle the master bedroom, but for real this time. I started painting our pello chair, but for the next project I needed some extra help from my husband Daniele. Here is a picture of our master bedroom, when we moved to our new house this past July (with of course our cat […]

  • Paint: dining room accent wall

    It’s been a while that Daniele pushes me to paint some accent walls. I actually  love accent walls, plus, we had some leftover grey paint from our master bedroom remodeling project, so why not? Basically our main floor is one big space with living room, dining room and kitchen. So in order to define better […]

  • Paint: guestroom projects

    My italian friend Gabriela left Fort Collins at the end of 2010 after 9 years. She is going to Africa (Good luck dear!!) and she left us some goodies. This Little blue table lamp was probably my favorite and I wanted to use it as soon as possible. It was already very cute but I […]

  • Paint: Bansky inspiration

    I had a canvas left, just one…I’ve been thinking and thinking and then yesterday I started working on it. I found a stencil by Bansky (if you don’t know who he is…you should research, he is awesome)which I really really like, and it is easy enough for me to replicate: a little girl flying away with balloons. […]

  • Travel wall

    I decided to give some credit to my husband Daniele, he takes very nice pictures. So why don’t create a travel wall with picture from our travels around the world. I printed 12 pictures (Daniele is good but I photoshop some of them…), then I bought 12 silver frames that I painted gloss white. I […]