Cham Islands

The Cham Islands constitute a group of 8 small islands of Quảng Nam, which form a part of the Cu Lao Cham Marine Park, a world Biosphere Reserve recognized by UNESCO, in the South China Sea in Vietnam. We spent there a couple of days at home stay Luu Ly.

Horrible beach…

Nuoc Mia = Sugar cane juice. I lost count of how many we had throughout the trip…

In the afternoon we went for a boat ride and some snorkeling. The guy doesn’t seem he wants to work, so he puts Chiara in charge of the wheel.

She seems to enjoy it

The other thinker

Super D and his loyal friend Mr R?

Home meal at LuuLy and walking around the Island we got invited to a beer contest where I and Renzo actually destroyed them locals..!

Mo, dai, ba….drink!

Look at fearless Renzo’s eyes waiting for his opponent to finish his glass…

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