Cooking and Drumming with Emmeth and Jill

This was such a great day. We just got back from a long boat tour and hungry like hell we head to Emmeth and Jill’s little farm in the jungle to cook some Creole food and drum together (with a lot of mosquito repellant…)

 Emmeth and Jill
 Peeling coconuts with a machete
 grinding coconut
 Digging Yuca (with the machete)
 cutting plantains (with the machete)
 and now we cook it all
 the drumming lesson begins after a fantastic meal made out of coconut rice, fufu, grilled fish and chicken in banana leaves, serey and of course belikin beer
Other than cooking and eating we talk about the DRUMS NOT GUNS project (read more here) to help young people of Belize focusing their energy on music instead of being recruited by local gangs. Emmeth says “Put down your fist and resolve the hatred and anger and speak the rhythms of your soul.”
 last drink (pantiripa) before going to bed

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