
We arrive at Dangriga late afternoon and it is still raining. After finding a nice spot at Daisy’s we start walking around town for a pre-dinner drink, as usual. The spot that we picked has an interesting name: the Farmers’ Bar. I and Daniele opt for a Kubuli beer, another local production we never encountered before. Renzo and Mandel instead trust the suggestions of the local and try the local bitter (rhum mixed with roots and herbal extracts). 

Apparently drinking this blend straight may be dangerous for novices, but mixed with other juices, extracts, or milk cuts its strength and adds to its flavor. This is not a beverage well known to tourists, but if you would like to try a purely local treat, ask a Belizean where to find some bitters. Anyway, they drink it straight…as you can see, respect.

After the drink we look for a place to eat and we end up at the Riverside Cafe. Great chicken and fried plantains…!
Renzo tasting the home made spice sauce
it was spicy, I guess…

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