Hopkins: Garifuna

Hopkins looks like just survived a tornado, or a nuclear war, but the lonely planet talks about it like it is this fantastic place and in fact it is full of gringos… like us.

With rain and cols there is not much to do other than look for a place to sleep and eat Garifuna’s food. This place is where the Garifuna people, descendants of CaribArawak, and West African people are mostly present in Belize.

We manage to find a super cheap accommodation at Tania’s gueshthouse and a fantastic meal at Innies eating Hudut with Sour Sop Juice, fish cooked in a coconut broth (called sere) and served with mashed plantains, Bondiga grated bananas cooked in coconut milk seasoned with local herbs with fish, (basically gnocchi al gorgonzola…)

We finish our night at a small place on the beach, Driftwood bar, where the Garifuna usually jam on a Monday night (how lucky it is actually Monday…) Apparently the place run by a Canadian woman is famous for pizza…whatever.

Warriors’ dance mocking white colonizers
me too


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