Last day, Feria de Mataderos

We spent our last hours in Buenos Aires to the Feria de Mataderos. Mataderos is a large and populous barrio situated in the southwest corner of Buenos Aires Capital Federal district that offers a mix of both city and rural life. Tradition runs deep here and visitors can often stumble across improvised lyric battles, known locally as payadas, taking place in the bars and on the street corners. The Feria de Mataderos is a weekly folk fair – held on Sunday from March to December and on Saturday in January and February –  a true celebration of local country life and offers a welcome change from the modernity of other barrios.

Held at Mercado de Hacienda (on the corner of Avenida Lisandro de la Torres and Avenida de los Corrales), over 300 stalls set up to sell typical Argentine food, artisanal products and gaucho memorabilia.
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Luca is attracted by something….2016-11-27-13-09-25

…a caballito….
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Last meal with bife, chorizo, pollo, papas, malbec and gazzosa…img_1298img_1308

A final coffee at the Public Library2016-11-27-16-21-40

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