Our afternoons and evenings

The great thing about Casa Kali is that after a morning at the beach, we can come back home, and spend a relaxed afternoon at home playing in the small pool. Luca can still enjoy water, we don’t have to walk back to the beach and shower to get rid of the sand and the salt, can start sipping fresh light beer and nibble on tortillas.

Luca’s autoerotism at the pool

Sometimes when Luca is good, we go to the center and have dinner there, like this night, where we picked Sayulita Cafe, Casa del Chile Relleno, (after a chocolate gelato….) which had a pretty bad Margarita but a good guac and a great mahi mahi.

Some other times we decided that staying home was the best solution for Luca and consequently us.

This night Ashok and Ramaa got 1 kg of Octopus and 1 Kg of Mahi Mahi.

Endless Econ Discussions…. not sure Daniele is convincing Ramaa at all…!

Finally we eat

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