San Ignacio

And after a great breakfast at Alexie’s we are on the road again to the Cayo district, and of course …it rains!

Lots of fry jacks… chicken, beans, eggs, and three different cakes. Buon appetito!
Our original idea was to visit the ATM caves. Unfortunately the park was closed due to floodings, so we tried Xunantunich where you can get to only by crossing the Mopan river on a small ferry boat.  Of course… the level of the river was too high to cross it. At the end, we settle in San Ignacio at the Mallorca’s and we go out for the only accessible Mayan ruins around: Cahal Pech. 

We had to go trough another river to get to Spanish Look Out where the community of Mennonites lives, but after watching kids with scooter doing it we felt we had to…without complaining. The Mennonite are a self-sufficient people who run their own church-based communities and in keeping with their old traditions, live in modest homes, with their clothing reflecting simple and conservative tastes. Mennonites are easily detected by their way of dress; the men wear denim overalls and straw hats while women wear looses fitting print dresses. The Mennonites speak Plattdeutsch, a low German dialect.

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