Birthday at the Beach

Yes, it is my birthday and I’m spending it at the beach, for the first time. Since we loved the scooter experience, we rented it again destination north east: National Park, hidden beaches and Ham Ninh, a little town on the east coast.
Our first stop was for the Tranh Stream fall. Too bad in the dry season they are very dry….but the walk was great.

 Back to our scooter we passed by some pepper farms
and then the craziest road appeared right in front of us…not yet..
…hold it…
 we are close…
 yes, this thing!
 If he did it we sure can
 We stopped at the Kiki Bar sign…and it was a great decision
 Lunch time
 Here we are to Ham Ninh.

And here you can buy and eat seahorses
 what the hell are those?
Another sunset at Long Beach
 Jumping up and down, but more down than up.
 My birthday room…
 And dinner with cats…happy Silvia!

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