A comida miniera, some music, a caipirinha… do you want more?
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Bip Bip in Rio– A MUST GO!

The rest of the crew arrives to Rio, after a day in Ipanema we decided to listen to some roda di samba at the Bip Bip in Copacabana, and meet the famous Alfredo, owner of the place. I know is twisted….but the music is awesome nevertheless Yes, you serve yourself at the Bip Bip, and […]
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Rainy day in Rio: there is always something to do

Last day for Daniele in Brazil. Since it is raining we decided to visit the botanic garden of Rio. The real tree hugger
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Santa Teresa, Lapa, and Samba in Rio

Great dinner at Santa Teresa in Rio with Alex and Aryanne and then some live samba music in Lapa
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Hike to a Waterfall, and a walk in Rio

Tom Jobim’s house (according to Alex) Don’t mess with me Made it to the waterfall… best shower ever. Parque Lage, and the Art School.
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Revellion in RIO

I and Daniele left Salvador on January 31st to spend new year’s eve in Rio. Amazing night in Copacabana Countdown… … some more fireworks… … and more… Brazilians wear white clothes during festivities… … and so did we. Bello

Olodum Fusion hostel More Coloradoans in Brazil Three stooges?? Braids and lifting for 20 reais
Capoeira class and forro music

The Capoeira Crew (and a dog alien…) Quel mazzolin di Fiori….. Anca sbilenca Cuidado Renzo Esquiva Silvia Don’t do it Daniele… Irene watch out….! Samba skills… And now FORRO …but after dinner! Romance… Renzo’s got the moves like Jagger Parting Bahia style