I believe I can fly weird logo ODOBOROGODO for the last time Renzinho
São Paulo
Strolling around Sao Paulo
Here is the crew walking around Sao Paulo and ending the sing dancing Salba at the ODOBOROGODO. Awesome tip, thank you Laura!
Sao Paulo – Tia Augusta and Raul’s home

We just landed in Sao Paulo after leaving Fort Collins 22 hours before, and our welcome party is waiting for us at tia Augusta and Raul’s house. Thank you! Mestre Lucas steps up to the task Tia Augusta
Brazilian Trip – The itinerary
Here is the itinerary of our trip to Brazil.A month of capoeira, caipirinha, samba, forro, family, friends, beautiful cities, incredible beaches, jungle, falls, taxi rides, public transportation, hostels, backpacks, mangoes, papayas, crazy people, and of course cachorro loco…! View Larger Map