The Capoeira Crew (and a dog alien…) Quel mazzolin di Fiori….. Anca sbilenca Cuidado Renzo Esquiva Silvia Don’t do it Daniele… Irene watch out….! Samba skills… And now FORRO …but after dinner! Romance… Renzo’s got the moves like Jagger Parting Bahia style
The beach is always the beach!

A random guy is taking picture of m, I hope he doesn’t leave with my camera… He gave me the camera back, here he is! The DUEL Laura joined the RACCHETTONI mania
Night at the Quadrado in Trancoso

Marcos and the best capirinha de Maracuja in Bahia! Capoeira friends Mestre helping a student with basic needs…asking for a sigarette! Filhote Finally everyone is in the picture Ops Renzo is gone… Daniele making the world wide famous CACHORRO LOCO!
Capoeira class (in the jungle) and family party

Party time! This is the brazilian version of a family reunion happy Mestre Hey Eric wake up, we are performing…!
Trancoso and the Capoeira madness at the beach

Cats Coming out of the jungle Gringo branco Really??? Fabricio freshwater refreshment We made it. Capoeira Madness begins…. Prof. Tisil Tisil and Marquinhos (Gato preto) Brotherly fun cousin steps in… Married couple fun