The Sacro Bosco (“Sacred Grove”), colloquially called Park of the Monsters (Parco dei Mostri), also named Garden of Bomarzo, is a Manieristic monumental complex located in Bomarzo, in the province of Viterbo, in northern Lazio, Italy. The gardens were created during the 16th century and are composed out of a wood located at the bottom of a […]
Center of Roma with a 1 year old…

It can be challenging to move around a big city like Rome with strollers and a baby, especially using public transportation, but hey, this is our chance to be real tourists in our hometown. On our regular stroll on the Parco Lineare Ciclopedonale Monte Ciocci – Monte Mario a new bike path built over the old […]
Garbatella and Pigneto – Murales

Because if you go to Rome and don’t stop in Garbatella is a sin, and apparently now, you gotta stop in Pigneto as well. The first one is historic and storic neighbourhood founded in the 1920s, The older section of Garbatella is divided into project units (lotti), each of them made of several buildings grouped together […]
Roma and my Scooter

What is the best way to see Rome, but of course on top or a scooter. Mine, a dark red Kimko people, is actually 14 years old and still standing. At the end who doesn’t remember the memorable scene from Caro Diario by Nanni Moretti? Here are some shots I took in 2010 Tavuzzi Vatican […]