Luckily enough today the weather is fantastic: warm and sunny, we could not ask for more. The beach is stunning this morning and we are ready for yoga, then maculelé and capoeira on the sand.
Frontier flight on time, check; car rented, check; drove for 3 hours from Portland to beautiful Pacific City in the Oregon Coast, check; set up my (renzo’s) tent, check! Time to explore the beach and meet my companions for the weekend.
Between one meal and the other, we actually walked around Vega Lake, hiked and fished.
For this labour day weekend 2017 we decided on a New Schoolers in the West reunion. Destination Vega Lake, Colorado. The crew is pretty substantial: 4 families, 4 kids, 8 adults, from 5 Countries…no pets this time around. The plan is mostly to chill and drink and cook and eat, maybe go for a hike. […]
We are in NY for just few days. Luca has to meet the crew and here we are! Drawing with Chiara Alpha! Best friends! So much fun….
After the Moca we decided to keep walking around the park area and we found this fantastic little spot for po-boy and gumbo Liuzza’s by the Track….incredible food awesome atmosphere.
And for our last night, some live music at TBA Treme’ Brass Band, it was a lot of fun!