Day two: relaxing day at the beach and dinner in town

The beach is so incredible that we wake up and go right away, with Luca we have a very health schedule, beach from 9-11.30, lunch at home, siesta until 4.30 and beach again until 7.30, the best sun! It is official Luca loves the beach!

Yes sir!

with papa’

chasing onde (waves) with mamma

At night we go for dinner at Publito Food and Drinks, the antipasto was insanely expensive (18 euros and not much food) but the tuna, the mussels sauteed and Luca’s Pizza where very good,… as you can see from his expression

On our way home Luca discovered the fountain in the main square of Torre dell’Orso, I guess tomorrow we have to play with that water!

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