Silvia is in Iguazu and me and Daniele are dedicating this day to Luca and his amusement. We started with Plaza Lopez Pena, a nice space close to home with a park and a playground. This is a shots from the night before, when we stopped by and Luca looooooved it, mostly because of a the little guy with 200 minicars.
After that we headed to El Museuo De Los Ninos, essentially a playground, this interactive museum is comprised of rooms where kids explore a miniature Buenos Aires. Complete with a hospital, a newsroom, a TV station, and a post office, they run around replicas of city landmarks. Kids particularly love climbing through the mock plumbing system and playing doctor, reporter, and other professions. It is actually pretty amazing for kids, and something in between Heel and heaven for parents, Luca had a blast!
Playing basket with papa’. Playing Soccer with Papa’
Playing in the kids minimarket (they even have their own money….)
Playing in the kids bus And at night we went to El Cuartito for a tipical Argentinian “pizza”. I like this place a lot, the atmosphere reminds me of the old trattorie/pizzerie in Roma. We had a very famous pizza in Buenos Aires, Fugazzeta, a variation of the popular Argentinian treat called fugazza, which an onion-topped pizza that is very similar to Italian-style focaccia. Fugazzeta is a double crusted version of fugazza, stuffed with cheese and topped with the same sweet onions. And of course Quilmes beer.
Luca eating his pizza and talking to the locals…