Eduardo and Susu’ organized a family reunion for us, an Asado de benvenuto. Juan, Diego, Anita, Miguel and Romina, are there too. Gnam! Let’s get some clarity about what is an Asado and what is a parrilla.
Asado – Probably the most traditional Argentine custom is the asado. Asado most closely translated to barbeque in English, but really it is a lot more. Besides just the preparation of the food it is a social event shared by friends and family to celebrate and gather for rights of passages in one’s life. An asado can easily be an all day event starting in the early afternoon and going until the early hours of the morning, with food, wine, and conversation flowing throughout. If you live in Buenos Aires many apartment buildings have terraces where residents can conduct asados.

Daniele Miguel and Eduardo Anita became Luca’s best friend and put him to sleep in no time
Stuffed for all the food, (we finished lunch at 6pm) we spent the night in our apartment drinking green tea and organizing for the next day at Palermo!