Siena in the Summer

Our friend Douglas came to Italy for a Math summer school and we are giving him a small little tour to beautiful Siena
img_4659 img_4660 img_4661
img_4664 img_4665 img_4666 img_4668 img_4669Duomo img_4671 img_4672 img_4658 Araldica of Siena’s Contrade. A Contrada is a district, or a ward, within an Italian city. The most well-known contrade are probably the 17 contrade of Siena that race in the Palio di Siena. Each is named after an animal or symbol and each with its own long history and complicated set of heraldic and semi-mythological associations.

On our way home a beautiful sunset. I know that it is unfair to compare Siena with Grosseto, but I will do that anyway. Grosseto is the countryside cousin of Siena, and a piece of my heart is there.


We finished the day in one of the most alive squares in Grosseto Piazza del Sale at La Cantina di Pizza del Sale, best spot in my opinion for wine and artisanal beers. Piazza del Sale or Cassero del Sale was built during the 14th century as the point of production, distribution and export of salt coming from the salt marshes that once existed along the coast. For several centuries has hosted, therefore, the Customs Officer to control all activities related to production and trade of salt.



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