Toscana – Grosseto and outskirts

Marina di Grosseto, first time at the beach for Luca2015-08-01-11-07-50 Sagra in Montepescali. In Italy, a sagra is a local festival, very often involving food (what a surprise…), is often dedicated to some specific local food, and the name of the sagra includes that food; the array of gastronomic specialties covered across Italy is amazing. This one is dedicated to Wild Board meet with Pasta.
2015-08-16-19-27-25 2015-08-16-19-28-52 2015-08-16-20-22-12 2015-08-16-20-23-50 Another Sagra, this time in Rispescia
2015-08-17-21-39-05 A stroll in Capalbio, a beautiful medieval town in southern Maremma. The Municipality is the most southwestern municipality in Tuscany along the border with Lazio. The characteristic village, natural surroundings and long sandy beaches attract thousands of visitors every year. The name Capalbio is thought to come from the Latin caput album (bald head) which is the town’s symbol, found in the sign on the Sienese Door depicting Siena’s lion holding a bald head.

2015-08-18-12-05-59 2015-08-18-12-06-43 2015-08-18-12-12-28 Toscana sucks bad….
2015-08-18-12-14-17-2 Luca stop grabbing flowers from peoples windows please….2015-08-18-12-15-09

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