After Luca’s most recent obsession with Humpback whales we cannot skip the whale watching tour. We picked Ally Cat Sailing Tour again, since we really enjoyed the tour from Sayulita last year, and it was great.
expectation is growing while other people relax it is there…. look closer…. I borrowed some photos, because we were trying to make sure Luca was alive and on the boat until the end of the day…. And we finally swim! Ready
Some facts about whales
Whale watching in Riviera Nayarit is a spectacular water activity and one of the most popular things to do while vacationing in Nayarit Mexico.
Whales actively engage in many types of surface behaviors. It is an overwhelming experience to witness sperm whales breaching (jumping out of the water) or humpback whales lunging out of the water, turning and landing on its back. Minkes, grey whales and Orcas also love to breach.
Have you ever heard a whale sing, or seen a whale breach, roll, or blow, or witness whales flippering (pat the ocean surface with their flipper or pectoral fin)? Humpback whales for instance, are curious and these “friendlies” as the locals call them, will often approach Mexico whale watching tour boats and float under or around the boat for many minutes.
The night, at dinner, it is all about the whale experience and sharks (that we didn’t see…)