Ally Cat Boat Trip

On Tuesday we booked a boat trip with Allycat sailing adventures, open bar, food, fishing, snorkeling, and visit to the Islas Marietas. Half of the boat (we are 40) is from Fort Collins or Greeley, or Longmont…can you believe that??

We started in the worst possible way, because Luca dropped one of his car in the water, luckily he has 2 “Postino“s and we convinced him that the one that fell in the water was actually William’s one (our neighbor’s kid), the car that he “borrowed” for the trip.

Food, mojitos and margaritas were fantastic, but mostly the fresh sashimi Mexican style served right after we fished a tuna-like fish was a hit!

Sorry I had to add this photo…everybody looks so bad….

The Marieta Islands (or Islas Marietas) are a group of small uninhabited islands a few miles off the coast of the state of Nayarit, Mexico. The Marietas Islands were originally formed many thousands of years ago by volcanic activity, and are completely uninhabited. In the early 1900s the Mexican government began conducting military testing on the islands because no one lived there. Many bombings and large explosions took place on the islands causing caves and rock formations to be created. After a massive international outcry, started by scientist Jacques Cousteau in the late 1960s, the government eventually decided to label the islands a national park and therefore protected against any fishing, hunting or human activity.

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