Buenos Aires 2.0! After 12 years we will be back!

And it is done, we bought tickets to go to Buenos Aires during our Thanksgiving break. Luca will not be 2 years old yet (so almost no charge for his ticket), and we will have 11 days to enjoy the beautiful Buenos Aires. I can’t wait! (well I have to). To make our trip even more spectacular we are going to visit some fantastic people we met in 2004 during our honey moon, in particular I think of Eduardo and Susu’, with their sophisticated conversations, radical political views, wine corks collection and incredible friends. More this time we go to Argentina when the weather is actually nice, end of Spring…. and not in the middle of the winter (damn Italian vacations….)

Here is where our AirB&B is going to be, in the heart of Recoleta

Buenos Aires te veo pronto

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