We spent our last hours in Buenos Aires to the Feria de Mataderos. Mataderos is a large and populous barrio situated in the southwest corner of Buenos Aires Capital Federal district that offers a mix of both city and rural life. Tradition runs deep here and visitors can often stumble across improvised lyric battles, known […]
Parque de la Memoria

This is one of the most beautiful place I saw in Buenos Aires. Its official name is Monument to the Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism. Located along the Rio de la Plata in the Belgrano neighborhood, Parque de la Memoria commemorates the victims of Argentina’s Dirty War, where from 1976 to 1983, tens of thousands […]

It is Thursday, and like every Thursday le Madres are walking Playa de Mayo. We want to pay respect. The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo is an association of Argentine mothers whose children were “dusappeared” during the state of terrorism of the military dictatorship, between 1976 and 1983. They organized while trying to learn what had […]
Plaza San Martin

Fantastic day in Buenos Aires today. We started with a stroll in Plaza St Martin close to the Centro area
El dia del Nino

Silvia is in Iguazu and me and Daniele are dedicating this day to Luca and his amusement. We started with Plaza Lopez Pena, a nice space close to home with a park and a playground. This is a shots from the night before, when we stopped by and Luca looooooved it, mostly because of a […]
La Boca

Pretty hot day today and we are ready to spend it on buses and walking around Buenos Aires. Luca is pumped up and he learned the word “zaino”, which is his carrier, even if so far the pronunciation is “naino..!”. (Our visit to la Boca 12 years ago here) Firefighters Murales Waiting for the BUS We […]

Before Silvia leaves for Iguazu we want to see tegether the neighbourhood Palermo, with its beautiful parks and great Museums. In particular I would like to see the MALBA, but we have to wait for Luca to sleep otherwise it is going to be just escalators… We first visited the Parque Tres de Febrero, also known […]
Asado and Parrilla en familia

Eduardo and Susu’ organized a family reunion for us, an Asado de benvenuto. Juan, Diego, Anita, Miguel and Romina, are there too. Gnam! Let’s get some clarity about what is an Asado and what is a parrilla. Asado – Probably the most traditional Argentine custom is the asado. Asado most closely translated to barbeque in English, […]
Day 2: San Telmo, mercado de Pulga

Sunday morning, our plan is to go out of the house temprano for a stroll in San Telmo, where every Sunday the streets are full of people, tangueros, in the big flea market around the Mercado de Pulga and to go there we use el Subte (subway), Luca is very excited about this public transportation thing…! Whether […]
La Recoleta

Daniele, Luca and “le Silvie” arrived to the Sur after 18 hours trip (…’na passeggiata di salute… you can translate it with: a healthy walk). Temperature is as perfect as it should be: 77 F. The city smells of Lime and Jacaranda trees, that this year apparently bloomed incredibly. We rented a little apt in la Recoleta, […]