Gaudí – Part two

Still following Gaudí’s footsteps (read Gaudí part One) here at the Sagrada Familia

This is the most famous of Gaudí’s works.  This church has been in construction since 1892, and it’s not expected to be finished until 2030.  The church presents an excellent depiction of the relationship between man, nature, and religion through its architecture and façade sculptures. Climbing one of its towers will give you a unique view of Barcelona.  Take the audio tour, is very informative and it’s well worth it. 2005_0123Image0084 2005_0123Image0090 2005_0123Image0089 2005_0123Image0088

the new facade


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Cascada Fountain at Park de la Ciutadella

The Cascada was designed by Josep Fontseré in 1881, specifically for the universal exhibition in 1888, with young Gaudí as an assistant. The inspiration for the Cascada was the famous Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy. It is located in Barcelona’s most famous park – Park de la Ciutadella.2005_0123Image0102 2005_0123Image0103 Daniele is wondering what is that thing…2005_0123Image01042005_0123Image0101

Hospital de Sant Pau, not Gaudi, but cool nevertheless

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