Parque de la Memoria

This is one of the most beautiful place I saw in Buenos Aires. Its official name is Monument to the Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism. Located along the Rio de la Plata in the Belgrano neighborhood, Parque de la Memoria commemorates the victims of Argentina’s Dirty War, where from 1976 to 1983, tens of thousands of civilians died and disappeared under governmental terrorism. Plans for the park were laid out in 1998, and the memorial was designed to cut into the landscape like an open wound, representing the people lost during this violent part of Argentina’s history. There are eighteen different sculptures around the park and the primary monument has the names of thousands of victims engraved on plaques, while there are thousands more empty plaques to signify the disappeared.
It is located only 300 meters from the military airport that caused many disappearances. Victims of the Dirty War were taken up in flights and dropped into the ocean, never to be seen again.

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My favorite piece was this one

nicolás guagnini
1999–2009 | 25 columnas de acero

Mi padre. Desaparecido
Mis tíos. Desaparecidos
Mis primos. Secuestrados

06a_guagnini 06b_guagnini

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