Phu Quoc day #1

On Saturday morning we flew to Pho Quoc Island with the Air Merkog (for the italian speakers: “er mecong”, ma anche “mecong! Quanto costa meno di vietnam airlines…”). Hanoi – Ho Chi Min – Phu Quoc and here is our first sunset on the beach…sweet!

Phu Quoc is the largest island of Vietnam, and it is situated almost right in front of Cambodia in the Gulf of Thailand. Very famous for the production of fish sauce and pepper (mmmmmm), Phu Quoc is relatively undeveloped, compared to other islands in the same area: it is called the “No Sheratons Island“. But it is not going to last. In fact there are huge projects to build a casino, an international airport, a golf course etc, but so far the street are not even paved, just red dirt.

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