Vuelvo al Sur, como se vuelve siempre al amor

We rented a car, an old, slightly beat-up Pathfinder, and we are ready to drive south. Direction: Punta Gorda with the idea of doing some snorkeling and mostly drumming with Emmeth Young, a Maroon Creole drummer very famous in Belize.

Today it looks like we are in Brianza, so the great scenic drive through the Hummingbird highway is mostly to imagine…

On the way, we stop for lunch at this peculiar little place, called La Casita de Amor, to later realize that it is actually a lonely planet destination.

super cute and super good…
Arriving in Punta Gorda
We got to Punta Gorda in the late afternoon. We are not very lucky with the dinner, but then walking around town in search of a dessert we meet Gomier…! Amazing guy that serves us some wonderful special ice cream and special cake.

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