San Ignacio by night

And it is aperitivo time again. San Ignacio looks much more developed than a lot of other places we’ve been. Mayans and Creoles are more mixed and apparently there is almost some nightlife. 
After a drink in the main plaza we had dinner at Ko-Ox Han nah, that in Mayan language means ‘Let’s go eat” and yes you eat there. A lot of mixed recipes especially with the Indian Cousine.

Not sure I want to eat indian so I pick a pork chop, but with plantains and cole slaw, delicious
Daniele, instead, accepts the provocation of eating the Vindaloo, the spiciest dish on the menu… It was really really good, but extremely spicy.
Sweaty and slightly crying, but the plate is practically clean.
We finish with some dessert: lemon merengue (left) and flan. Happy Renzo!
Mandell doesn’t look very impressed…

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